Microsoft Teams: How can I allow guests in a Microsoft Teams Webinar to present and share content?
Options can be changed to allow guests to present and share content in Microsoft Teams Meetings, Webinars, and Live Events. Below are the instructions for Microsoft Teams Webinars. If you are looking for the instructions for Microsoft Teams Meetings or Live Events, please reference the appropriate link below.
Microsoft Teams: How can I allow guests in a Microsoft Teams Meeting to present and share content?
Microsoft Teams Webinars
When scheduling a Microsoft Teams Webinar, the default setting requires specific people to be added as presenters. Should you later wish to adjust who can present and share content, you may do so either before or during the webinar.
Before the Webinar
To adjust these settings before a webinar, open the webinar invitation and under Meeting options select Change options next to 'Go to Meeting options to allow presenters to share content'.
The Meeting options window will open and from here you can adjust who can present during the webinar.
During the Webinar
To adjust these settings during a webinar, click on the "More" option with the three dots, and select Meeting options. Use the Who can present? drop down menu to adjust presenter rights.
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