Tell me more about CBE course project deliverables.


What is a CBE deliverable and why don't I just write papers?

CBE deliverables are your written assignments due for each module of your course. These assignments ask you to create an authentic assessment of your knowledge in a format that you could expect out in your professional work.  Instead of writing a paper on developmental milestones in children, you are asked to create a visual resource guide for nurses to reference during well child visits.  Or instead of doing a literature review on change management best practices, you are asked to write a communication plan that outlines the steps and considerations of implementing a specific organizational change.

What do CBE deliverables look like?

Your deliverable may be a powerpoint presentation with a voice over recording. It could be an informational handout created in Word for your patients. It could be an infographic you create for a staff bulletin board. The deliverables are meant to reflect the types of tasks that are likely to be asked of you in your future roles.

Do I need to use APA in my CBE deliverables?

Yes, regardless of what type of deliverable you are creating it is expected that you will utilize credible resources to support your work, which means creating in-text citations and a references list. APA does not have guidelines for how to format things like powerpoints, infographics, etc., but when making a deliverable in Microsoft Word you should still follow basic formatting rules for margins, spacing, text font and style, etc.

What resources are available to help me complete my CBE deliverables?

How do I submit my deliverable?

Check out the video below for step by step instructions.

Do I have to submit all of the deliverables?

Yes, you must submit all deliverables and receive a passing grade on each deliverable. Failing all attempts of a single deliverable results in a failed grade for the whole course.

How many times can I attempt each deliverable?

Depending on which program you are in, you get two or three attempts. If you are not sure, check with your student advisor.

What is the grading scale for my CBE courses?



  • Last Updated Dec 20, 2023
  • Views 2601
  • Answered By

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