How do I make a video of a PowerPoint presentation using ScreenPal (formerly Screencast-O-Matic)?


ScreenPal (formerly Screencast-O-Matic) is a free screen capture tool that you can use to make video recordings with your computer.  Follow these simple steps to create a recording of a PowerPoint presentation OR watch this video demonstration.

Note:  ScreenPal (formerly Screencast-O-Matic) has an app for both iOS and Android.

To get started with the desktop version of ScreenPal (formerly Screencast-O-Matic), you will need the following:

  • a computer
  • headset with a microphone or a microphone built into your computer
  • a web camera (only if your assignment asks for you to have your camera on) 
  • completed PowerPoint slide deck

1. Navigate to ScreenPal (formerly Screencast-O-Matic).

2. Click on the Start for Free button.

3. Click on the Launch Free Recorder button. Once the recorder has launched, you will see a frame and a box with tools.

4. Use the options to select the video's length, the recording area's size, the preferred microphone, and whether or not you want computer sounds recorded.

5. Display the first slide in your PowerPoint presentation and position the frame to fit what you want to be captured in your video.  You can resize the frame by grabbing and moving the edges of the frame or you can click, hold, and move the frame with the  tool in the center of the frame.

6. Next, test your microphone by speaking into your mic and watching the bars to the right of the narration.  Green, yellow, and red bars should illuminate whether the audio works properly.  (Tip: Click on the arrow next to the microphone icon, select the microphone you are using from the list that appears, and test the audio again.)

7. Click on the "Start Recording" button. (Tip: Watch the short video introducing the tool before recording.)

8. Before moving to the next slide, click the Pause button. This will stop the recording. Move to the next slide and click again to start recording.

9. When you have completed your recording, click the blue pause button, then click Done.

11.  The final step is to save the recording. You can save the video file to your computer and then upload the file from your computer or, if file size is a concern, we recommend uploading the video to Screencast-O-Matic and then sharing the link to your video.

Need help? Follow the steps below for both how to save and how to upload your video.

How do I upload my video so that I can share the link with my instructor?

This is a good option to use when the video file size is too large to upload to dropbox.

  1. Select Save/Upload
  2. Select Upload to ScreenPal
  3. Make sure to type your video's title into the Title field
  4. Select the green Publish button
  5. Select Copy Link after the video has finished uploading. This link can now be pasted into a Word document to upload to dropbox.

How do I save the recording to my computer?

1. Select "Save/Upload."

2. Select "Save as video file."

3. Select "Browse" to choose which folder you want to save your video.

4. Choose "Desktop" then "Publish" to locate your video on your desktop later. This will make it easy to find your video later to attach it to your dropbox.

The four images below can guide you through these steps.

Transcript created Mon Aug 24 13:59:02 EDT 2020 UserAgent:TLoges||Windows 95|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv@79.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/79.0|5.0 Windows browser-none|Safari|1.6.0_13|0|0|TLoges|Tablet 02:00 PM JSBeckyP>Hi Taylor! How are you? 02:00 PM TLoges>Hi Becky! I am good, how are you? 02:00 PM JSBeckyP>I'm good! how are you?! 02:01 PM TLoges>Im doing good! 02:02 PM JSBeckyP>Good! So for today's session, I'd like for you to be the tutor and I'll be the student to start with. If need be we can switch at the end and I can show you how I do sessions. Sound good? 02:03 PM TLoges>Oh okay, bethany told me you would go over things for the first half hour with me to show me what is done and then id be the tutor 02:03 PM TLoges>the next half hour 02:10 PM JSBeckyP>Okay. When starting a session, log in and then greet the student with your name and use their name as well. :) If it's a student who has met with you before, you don't have to say "Hi Taylor, my name is Becky..." because they already know that! Then you follow up with asking how they are, what their campus they are affiliated with. After that, you want to double check to see what course they are booking for to ensure you can tutor in it. 02:11 PM TLoges>Okay, that seems simple enough but we will see! lol 02:13 PM JSBeckyP>Haha it's not bad. Then you just ask if they'd like to use audio, screen share, etc. :) then go into the session with asking your questions. 02:14 PM TLoges>okay! this is my first attempt so a little nervewracking lol 02:15 PM TLoges>can we possibly do an example first? 02:15 PM JSBeckyP>Haha! It always is. I didn't get mock sessions when I first started tutoring. So I had to practice on a real student! 02:15 PM TLoges>its been while since i took a tutor session 02:15 PM TLoges>omg scary 02:16 PM JSBeckyP>Have you had the time to watch any past sessions using the admin credentials? 02:16 PM TLoges>i have not, i still have not been given that 02:16 PM JSBeckyP>They're on the guide. 02:17 PM TLoges>oh i thought ashley told me there was a log in she was getting 02:17 PM TLoges>i must be thinking of something else 02:17 PM TLoges>no i have nor 02:17 PM JSBeckyP>Possibly. I'm sure Ashley mentioned it, but it's always a lot of information to process within in a short amount of time, lol. 02:18 PM JSBeckyP>Have you watched any of the videos on the guide? 02:18 PM TLoges>i have not, ive been working on all the assignments and resources but i was going to tonight 02:19 PM TLoges>scavenger hunts * 02:19 PM TLoges>im doing the resources one now which is why i said resource lol 02:20 PM JSBeckyP>Okay, what have you gone over in the TEG? 02:21 PM TLoges>do you want to do audio? lol it may be easier 02:22 PM JSBeckyP>Well I suggest that you go over the TEG more in depth before we continue with a mock session. There is a lot of valuable information in there, that you should look over and watch so you can be prepared for sessions. 02:23 PM TLoges>I have looked over a good amount, I havent had the chance to watch anything currently. Bethany has been working with me on what is done due to my current personal life. I dont start with students until the 1st so i can better prepare myself. 02:24 PM TLoges>i need to watch the past sessions for sure. 02:24 PM JSBeckyP>Okay, lets book for later in the week when you have had more time to watch those videos and review the guide a little. 02:25 PM TLoges>okay, i can do friday if that works for you? 02:25 PM JSBeckyP>Yes, I suggest that as well! lol. 02:25 PM JSBeckyP>I have a 9-10am CST and 12-1, and 1-2p for friday. Central time 02:25 PM TLoges>Im sorry for being unprepared. I have been dealing with a domestic violence situation at my home so things have been hectic. 02:25 PM TLoges>12-1 i will do 02:26 PM TLoges>thats 1-2 my time 02:27 PM JSBeckyP>Yes it is! Okay. Sounds good! 02:27 PM JSBeckyP>And I'm sorry to hear that :( 02:28 PM TLoges>Okay, ill go schedule that now. And its okay, i just wanted to give a little insight on why i may be a bit unprepared 02:28 PM TLoges>since i started work it has been crazy here. bad timing but i am making it work! 02:30 PM JSBeckyP>Okay. Sounds good. I'll se you Friday at 12p. :) 02:30 PM TLoges>thank you

Select "Save as video file"

Select "Browse" to choose which folder you would like to save your video to.

Choose "Desktop" to easily locate your video on your desktop later. This will make it easy to find later to attach to your drop box.

Watch the video demonstration below:


  • Last Updated Jan 23, 2024
  • Views 31545
  • Answered By Suzanne Schriefer, Librarian

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