How do I create Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) on my Chromebook?


Your Rasmussen download of the Microsoft Office Suite is not compatible with iPad, Chromebook. Instead, you can access web-based versions of Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents through Office 365. Note that while Office 365 may be a suitable substitute in some cases, it may not be sufficient for assignments and courses that rely on more advanced features of the Microsoft Office Suite.

  • Launch the application you need using the navigation pane in your student email inbox:

Outlook navigation pane (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

  • You will have the option to save your work as a digital file or download a copy to your computer:

Save as to save a copy online or Download a Copy to your computer

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  • Last Updated Jan 18, 2024
  • Views 658
  • Answered By Cassandra Feidt, Learning Manager

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