Tell me about Rasmussen University's online course platform: Blackboard Ultra


Beginning in Spring Quarter 2021, Rasmussen University transitioned to Blackboard Ultra, a mobile and tablet-friendly online learning platform. Blackboard Ultra uses an intuitive and responsive design that adjusts to whatever device you use to access your courses. This provides you with more flexibility and choice in how you learn.

Additionally, Blackboard Ultra offers a streamlined grade book, pop-up announcements, and an Activity Stream to quickly identify due dates and important information across your courses, all of which should make learning easier and more effective.

Rasmussen students will fully experience this new system in April 2021. To help prepare you for this transition, the following resources are currently available:

If you would like more assistance in navigating your course and the Blackboard Ultra platform, Peer Tutors are available online by appointment through Learning Services.


  • Last Updated Oct 21, 2024
  • Views 2356
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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