Where do I find information on the market size of an industry?


Information on market size (sales for an industry over a given time) can be located in several library databases, including:

Business Source Complete Instructions

After opening the database, type MarketLine Industry Profile and the name of your industry into the search bar. For example, MarketLine Industry Profile and Foodservice. Click the Search button.

Search for Marketline Industry Profile and the name of industry to locate industry reports and market sizes

Results will appear; often the results at the top are relevant and timely. However, If you have too many results, consider going to the Geography area to select the country (likely United States) you are looking for. Once you've located the industry report that interests you, open it, and you will see a brief summary of market size information in the Executive Summary near the top. For a deeper dive, go to the Table of Contents and click on Market Value and/or Market Volume in the Market Data section.

For tutorials and guides on how to use these databases, and more on business research see the Business Research guide.

  • Last Updated Aug 30, 2024
  • Views 894
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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