Where do I find the permanent links to articles in library databases?

I found an article I would like to use from a library database. I will likely need to come back to the article at a later date. In the past, I've used the link/url in the address bar, but that seems to "break" overtime, so how do I capture a permanent link (that will always work) to articles from library databases?


In nearly all library databases, if you plan to return to an article, eBook, or other resource later, you will need to capture and use the permanent link for the resource, rather than the url that is in the address bar. This is because urls in the address bar "break" and expire over time.

Below you will find instructions for locating permanent links to resources within popular library databases.

1. EBSCOhost databases:

Click on the permalink button in the right column.

After the permalink opens, copy the address.

2. ProQuest databases:

Click on the All Options icon.

All options icon in ProQuest databases

Copy the link that appears.

Permanent link within a ProQuest database

3. Gale databases:

Click the Get Link button, and copy the url that appears.

Get Link button in Gale for accessing the permanent link

Next, add an Open Athens prefix to front the url: https://go.openathens.net/redirector/rasmussen.edu?url=

The resulting permanent link will look something like this: https://go.openathens.net/redirector/rasmussen.edu?url=https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3404300014/GVRL?u=mnarasmuss&sid=GVRL&xid=59580346

4. Credo:

Click on the Page Link button, and copy the url that appears.

Page Link button in Credo for accessing the permanent link

5. ASP (Alexander Street Press) databases:

Click on the Share button near the top of the screen, press the Copy Permalink button.

Share button to access the permanent link in an Alexander Street Press database

Once you've copied the permalink, add an Open Athens prefix to the front of the url: https://go.openathens.net/redirector/rasmussen.edu?url=

The resulting permanent link will look something like this: https://go.openathens.net/redirector/rasmussen.edu?url=://video.alexanderstreet.com/watch/cuban-only-morons-start-a-business-on-a-loan

7. Films on Demand databases:

Press the Share button.

Share button in Films on Demand databases for accessing the permanent link

Then, click on the Embed/Link tab. Next, copy the Record URL if you want the URL for the full video series, or the Segment URL if you only want a link to that specific segment.

Record URL versus Segment URL in Films on Demand database

8. Ovid Nursing instructions

  • Last Updated Jan 10, 2023
  • Views 5987
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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