How do I find the permalink for an article in Ovid?


A permalink is a web address that will consistently point to a specific information source such as an ebook, an article, or a database. If you want to be able to access an article at a later time, always use the permalink, instead of just copying the URL listed in the address bar of your internet browser.  The URL from the address bar is specific to your search session and will expire.  Databases provide permalinks for articles to provide an easy way to retrieve the article, without having to redo your search.

The Ovid Nursing Journals database calls their permalinks, "Jumpstarts". 

To find the permalink/Jumpstart link for an article in Ovid:

After clicking on the article title in the database results list, click on the "Email Jumpstart" icon at the top left of the article or it may be on the right hand side of the screen:

Selecting email jumpstart button in Ovid

Copy the Jumpstart URL from the pop up window:

Jumpstart pop-up, copy the url that appears


This Jumpstart permalink must now be run through our OpenAthens link generator.  You can find the instructions on how to do that here: How do I use the OpenAthens redirector to make a permalink to a source?

  • Last Updated Feb 23, 2021
  • Views 1589
  • Answered By Ashley Librarian

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