How do I cite a company's annual report and/or 10-K in APA style?

Need to cite a company's annual report and 10k for an accounting paper. Is there somewhere to find how to do this?


APA references always have the same pieces of information:

Author. Date. Title. Access Information.

  • Author. The author of the report is likely to be the company itself. However, look around for the name of an individual author or editor; if you do not see one, you should likely use the company name.
  • Date. The date of publication is likely to be the year or year after the date of the annual report or report filing (a 2012 annual report might have been published in 2013, for instance).
  • Title. The title of the report might simply be Annual Report or Form 10-K, but do look closely at the report to see if there's a more specific title. The title should be italicized.
  • Access information. Access information will vary depending on the medium/type/location of the report. Your most likely scenario is that you found the report on the company's website. If so, you would use that URL. It is also possible you found it in the Mergent Market Atlas Database; if so, you will insert as the URL. For more information on citing information from Mergent, take a look at this answer on citing information from Mergent Market Atlas in APA.

Example annual report reference from company's website:

Microsoft Corporation. (2021). Annual report 2021

Example 10-K reference from Mergent Market Atlas Database:

Harley-Davidson. (2020). Form 10-K.

  • Last Updated Jul 29, 2024
  • Views 384921
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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