What is Metacognition? How can it help me?


The Metacognitive Process Sheet for Students

  1. Set the goal
  2. Develop a plan to meet the goal
  3. Select strategies to use; Then monitor your progress & adapt as you go
  4. Evaluate the outcome; Reflect on the process & adapt for next time

Step 1: Set the Goal

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What info am I supposed to learn from this?  If I’m not sure, how/where can I find that info?
  • What do I already know about this topic?  How can I keep that in mind as I complete this task?
  • What past experiences relate to this task?
  • How much time do I have to complete this?

Step 2: Develop a plan to meet the goal

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What should I do first?
  • What should I look for (in this reading, for example)?
  • How much time do I have to complete this?
  • What are some challenges I might run into?
  • If so, how do I overcome them?
  • What are some resources I might need?  How do I access those resources?

Step 3: Select strategies to use; Then monitor your progress & adapt as you go

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What is the best way to approach this? Which strategy to use?
  • What’s worked well for me before?
  • How am I doing?
  • Do I understand this?
  • Is this working?
  • Am I on the right track?
  • What should I be remembering? How?
  • Should I adjust the pace?
  • Should I try another strategy?
  • If there’s something I don’t understand, what can I do?

Step 4: Evaluate the outcome; Reflect on the process & adapt for next time

Questions to ask yourself:

  • How well did I do?
  • Did I get the results I expected?
  • Is this working?
  • What worked well?  What didn’t work well? What can I change for next time?
  • Can I apply this way of thinking to other tasks/situations?
  • Is there anything I still don’t understand?  If so, how can I fill in any knowledge gaps?


TEAL Center staff. (2012, February). Just write! guide. Fact sheet: Metacognitive processes. Retrieved from https://teal.ed.gov/tealGuide/metacognitive

  • Last Updated Aug 24, 2015
  • Views 570
  • Answered By Tammy Hopps

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