How do I format my discussion post in APA?


Using APA in discussion posts is very similar to using APA in a paper. It helps to think of your discussion post as a short APA paper without a cover page.

You need to cite your sources in your discussion post both in-text and in a references section. If you need help formatting in-text citations, check out our in-text citation page on the APA guide here: Your references section will come at the end of your discussion post, and may look something like this:

Curiosity and Motivation
"Making students more curious" by Willingham (2014), posits the problem of getting kids to engage in their learning is not a matter of attention capacity but a willingness to deploy attention. The author talks about the difference between long-term interest and short-term curiosity. Willingham (2014) goes on to say "content seems more likely coupled to long-term interest, [and]... curiosity seems more transitory" (p. 34). 

There is no hard data to support Willingham's hypothesis, but the author suspects "that pervasive access to entertainment has made for a very low threshold for boredom" (Willingham, 2014, p. 34). With the advent of Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia, Netflix, and other entertainment sources, it is not so much that students are less curious than they have been in the past, but that they are curious about different things. 

Willingham goes on to talk about three things that educators can do to make students more curious and get them more engaged in their learning. First, we should model what and how we want students to learn. If we want them to be habituallly curious, they should see that attitude from their teachers. Second, educators need to remember that "curiosity is not a serious commitment... [but] a pleasurable sampling" (Willingham, 2014, p. 35). Indulging in the curiosity of our students - however trivial we may think it seems - is never a waste of time. Third, curiosity is generally prompted by a great thought-provoking question. Educators should take more time to think about and develop questions that will require students to have some investment in the answer or solution.

Willingham, D. (2014). Making students more curious. Knowledge Quest, 42(5), 32-35.

Note: There is not currently a way to create a hanging indent if your reference goes on more than one line. Your instructor should be aware of this limitation. 

  • Last Updated May 26, 2022
  • Views 171443
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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