How do I cite an article on a website? Cite the website or webpage?
Correctly citing an article found on the Internet in the APA style depends on the nature of the article and how it appears on the website. Find the description in the list below that best matches the article in question for citation information and instruction.
- PDF of article from a journal, magazine, or newspaper
- Use examples in the Articles tab (electronic) in the APA Guide.
- "Stand alone" article that appears on a website
- A "stand alone" article is an article that is not included in a larger publication and is posted in a website. Use the example "Webpage with Author" in the APA Guide which provides a precise URL to access the webpage where the article appears.
- Articles that appear on several different webpages within the same website
- Sometimes there is information gathered and integrated into a paper taken from several web pages from the same website. When citing a specific page, use the URL for that particular page in the References list citation.
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