Where can I find information on the fiscal and/or monetary policies and GDP of a specific country?


The first step is to define and understand fiscal policy and/or monetary policy. Search for these concepts in any of the following library databases to further your understanding of the topic:

Next, to research the economic practices, fiscal policy/approach, monetary policy, and GDP of each country, try searching the following databases:

Searching Business Source Complete:

1. Open the database

2. Designate the country you're researching in the search box

3. In the Publication Type box select Country Report

Screenshot of searching for United States and selecting Country Report from Publication Type

4. The country report will open. Scan the document for the information you need, or press CTRL F on your keyboard to search the text of the document for a specific word or phrase, such as "fiscal policy".

5. You can also try doing a simple search on the database homepage for a combination of the country you're researching and the topic you're researching. For example, you could search for Canada and "monetary policy".


Searching Mergent Market Atlas:

1. Open the database

2. Select the country you're researching from the Country list.

3. The Country report will open as a PDF document. Scan the document for the information you need, or press CTRL F on your keyboard to search the text of the document for a specific word or phrase, such as "fiscal policy".


Searching A to Z World Cultures:

1. Open the database

2. Select the country you're researching.

3. The Cultural Overview of the country will open. Some of this information may be of interest. Be sure to click on Country Profile in the left column of options for more economic details.

Screenshot of Country Profile area in A to Z World Cultures


Recommended websites:


  • Last Updated Jul 29, 2024
  • Views 298
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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