Where can I find U.S. Supreme Court cases?
FastCase is a searchable database that contains full-text versions of U.S. Supreme Court opinions in addition to other legal materials. It can be accessed through the Rasmussen University Online Library > Articles by Subject > Law OR by clicking on the Resources link > Search eResources in any online class.
The following directions are for FastCase version 6. To restrict a search to just the U.S. Supreme Court opinions, click on "Advanced Caselaw Search" on the page's left side.
There are three search options available; keyword and Boolean connectors, natural language, and legal citation. Select the search option, then type the search in the textbox. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Individual Jurisdiction." Expand the section "U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Courts of Appeal" by clicking on the + sign. Check the box for U.S. Supreme Court to limit the search to just U.S. Supreme Court opinions. Click Search.
Click on the title of the opinion to view in full text.
Watch a video demonstration of a search for a U.S. Supreme Court opinion in FastCase below.
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