Why do I have this book charge? And how do I get rid of it?
We have a course resource fee for each course. If you withdrew from a course during the add/drop period but were still charged the course resource fee, you may have an item that is non-returnable*. If you received physical course materials, those will need to be returned to the bookstore.
*Reasons that an ebook will be non-returnable:
· Student has printed more than 10% of the book
· Student has the book checked out for offline use
· Student utilized access to materials that are linked to the text on the reader platform (access codes or protected websites) – The students are warned that continuing will make the materials non-returnable.
We have a couple of electronic materials (access to electronic information) that are issued to students. These items include access codes that are not returnable. The “electronic materials” access is limited to the Nursing program.
For more information on returning your eTextbooks, please see our answer here: http://rasmussen.libanswers.com/faq/32690
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