I always pick the wrong answer on multiple-choice tests--can you help me?

10 Strategies for Mastering Multiple Choice


Do you freeze when it comes to multiple-choice tests?  Do you always seem to choose the wrong answer?  Try these 10 tips for mastering multiple choice!

1. Underline key words.

2. Look for the words best, except, and first.

3. Check for negatives and other words that are there to throw you off (“Which of the following is not…”).

4. Simplify the question.

Example:  What is the stimulation of the breakdown of glycogen to glucose to provide fuel for tissues subject to exertion called?  becomes  What “WORD” is defined as the breakdown of glycogen to glucose?

       5.  If relevant, draw pictures to help you understand the question.  Pictures are worth a thousand words.

       6.  Try to guess the answer before you see the options—don’t let “distractors” get in your way!

· Uncover ONE potential distractor at a time.

· Compare the potential distractor to your TRUTH.

           - If it matches it exactly, place a Y next to the option.

           - If it is somewhat related or you have NO idea, place a ? next to the distractor.

                        - Finally, IF and ONLY IF the distractor is OPPOSITE of your truth – place a N next to it.

7. Read every answer.

8. Watch out for all of the above or none of the above.

9. If you’re unsure of the answer…

· Start by looking for what’s wrong as opposed to what’s right.

· Don’t eliminate an answer unless you know what every word means.

· If two answers are similar, it’s probably neither.

· If two answers are opposite, one is probably correct.

· The answer is usually wrong if it contains the words all, always, never, or none.

· The answer has the best chance of being right if it includes the words sometimes, probably, or some.

10.    Trust your gut!  Don’t go against your first impulse unless you know it’s wrong.

Be sure to also check out the Student Success Guide for more testing strategies!

  • Last Updated May 12, 2021
  • Views 11531
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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