How do I search the Rasmussen Online Library to find articles and eBooks?

How do I find an appropriate library database, create a search, and manage search results?


Finding articles and ebooks in the Rasmussen Online Library is similar to using a search engine like Google, but there are some key differences that you should keep in mind when conducting a database search.  


Step 1: Develop a list of Key Words that describe your topic

  • Take a few moments to write a sentence or two about what you want to cover in your paper.
  • Circle or underline the key words in your description

Example: Cell phone use while driving contributes to car accidents

TIP:   Entering long phrases, sentences, and questions into a database search text box will not provide relevant results.


Step 2: Create a search statement using Boolean Connectors

  • OR connector is used to include synonyms or related terms
  • AND connector is used to link related concepts

Example:   ("cell phones" or texting) and ("car accidents" or fatalities)

This search will produce a list of articles that include either the term cell phone OR the term texting AND either the term accidents OR fatalities in the SAME article.  

TIP:  Enclose search terms that are more than one word with quotation marks to keep those words together in your search.

TIP:  Watch this short video about how to create a search statement.


Step 3: Identify an appropriate library database

  • Select a database from the A-Z Database list by clicking on the database title, then log in with your Rasmussen student email and password.

TIP: Watch this short video that demonstrates how to find subject databases.


Step 4: Enter your search statement in the search text box and click Search

TIP: Use the Advanced Search option to use a worksheet with Boolean connectors already built in.


  • Click the Search button and a list of results will appear on the next page.


Step 5: Use Limiters to remove outdated or irrelevant resources

  • Use the tools in the left column of the search results page to limit by publication date, language, geographic location, etc. as needed.


Step 6: Review the results list and click on the PDF or HTML links to view in full text

  • Scroll through the results and click on the PDF or HTML links for the articles you would like to read.


Step 7 (Optional): Modify your search or try another database to find more results

Are you not finding what you are looking for?  Try:

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  • Last Updated Oct 09, 2023
  • Views 1922
  • Answered By Suzanne Schriefer, Librarian

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