How do I cite a state statute or law in the APA style?


The format and an example of a References list and companion in-text citation for a statute in a state code is provided below.

Example of a reference and in-text citation for a state statute

Note: In many cases, a popular name for an act may not be available.  If you cannot determine the name for the act, begin the citation with the abbreviation for the code.

Note: Reference list citations are typed in one of six approved typefaces (Calibri -11 point, Arial-11 point, Lucida Sans Unicode-10 point, Times New Roman-12 point, Georgia-11 point, Computer Modern-10 point), are double spaced, and use the hanging indent if needed.

APA defers to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, a popular legal citation style, to cite legal materials.

Citing a state statute follows the same format used to cite a Federal statute.  However, state codes (a code is a subject arrangement of the laws for that state) differ.  Some states organize their statutes by title, some organize by section number, and some use both!  Consult The Indigo Book: An Open and Compatible Implementation of A Uniform System of Citation. View the table of contents and select Chapter C: Statutes, Rules, Regulations > R17: State Statutes for guidance.


  • Last Updated Jan 25, 2024
  • Views 177785
  • Answered By Suzanne Schriefer, Librarian

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