I'm looking for test-taking tips.
Before the Test—get as prepared as you can
Take notes
Summarize them after each session/module
Review the notes daily
Create mind map summary sheets
Create flashcards—go through them often (until your responses are automatic)
Make and take a practice test—predict from the assignments and notes what will be on the test
Explain course concepts to someone who doesn’t know the subject matter—then you really uncover what you need to revisit
As you study for exams, ask yourself which study strategies work best for you. If you are struggling, try something else and see how that works for you.
Get help when you need it—make an appointment for tutoring through the Books & Tools area in your course.
During the Test—remind yourself about how much you prepared for the test
Ask if you can use scratch paper during the test. Write down the concepts you are afraid you’re going to forget before you start.
Multiple choice tests
- read the question and answer it in your head before you look at the answer
- read through all answers before selecting
- eliminate incorrect answers
True/False tests
- Read the entire question
- Look for absolutes (all nothing, always, never, etc.)—these generally indicate a false statement.
After the test
Go through the graded exam and look at your errors (learn from them). What kind of error did you make? After you identify that, make adjustments and remember for next time.
- Study errors: didn’t study enough or studied content that wasn’t on the test
- Careless errors: not reading directions or skipping questions
- Concept errors: when you didn’t understand a concept or the material
Test anxiety and how to combat it
Be prepared for the exam
Positive self-talk—E.g. I can do this. I’ve prepared and I know these concepts. The instructor just wants to hear about what I’ve learned and how I can apply it—that’s all.
Get plenty of sleep
Eat nutritious foods and do not use caffeine
Information taken from: Ellis, D. (2006). Becoming a master student (13th ed., annotated instructor’s ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
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