What is a Credit by Examination / Test-Out / Challenge Exam?


The Rasmussen University course catalog outlines an option by which enrolled students can receive credit for a Rasmussen University course by taking an examination in place of the actual faculty-led course. Enrolled students may request credit by examination for courses if an exam has been developed.

Earning credit by examination is also known as earning credit through test-outs or challenge exams. This option is not to be confused with self-directed assessments (SDAs) or competency based education.

Credit by Examination / Test-Out / Challenge Exam

  • The purpose of a test-out is to assess a student’s existing knowledge of a subject area. It is not intended to offer instruction in a subject area.
  • Different test-out options are available based on a student’s program and credential level; eligible test-outs are listed in a student's My Academic Plan. Please consult with your student advisor for more information about the availability of test-outs.
  • Test-outs are attempted towards the end of each quarter. A non-refundable fee is assessed for each test-out. For more information, please reach out to your student advisor.
  • Test-outs are not mandatory. By opting to attempt a test-out, students agree to abide by the University's Academic Integrity Policy, as outlined in the Rasmussen University course catalog. At minimum, a violation of this policy would result in a failing grade on the test-out.
  • Students are not allowed to use any resources, including digital or print books, notes, study aids, and the Internet, while taking the test-out.
  • No materials will be provided, shared, or recommended for preparation by Advisors and staff members.
  • Test-outs vary in length; however, students should plan for at least two hours to complete each test. Read the individual instructions provided with the test-out for additional test-out details.
  • If the test-out is proctored, instructions on the installation of necessary software will be provided prior to the exam.
  • Students will have only one opportunity to complete/attempt the test-out. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure an adequate Internet connection. If a student is unable to complete the exam due to technical difficulties, they will not be given an opportunity to retake the test-out.
  • An overall score of 73% or higher is required to pass the test-out. Students will not receive a letter grade for a successful test-out; instead, “TO” will be recorded in a student's academic record, demonstrating that the student has successfully fulfilled the course requirement for the program at Rasmussen University. Credits awarded through credit by examination (TO) may not be transferable to another institution.


  • Last Updated Mar 23, 2022
  • Views 616
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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