Where can I find assignment rubrics in my online course?
You can access the rubrics in your online course two ways by entering the module then assignment or through the gradebook then assignment.
- Select the correct module folder to open (or select the gradebook) by clicking or tapping it.
- Next, select the correct assignment to open by clicking or tapping it.
- A pop-up window on the right side of the screen will appear.
- You can select the Grading rubric by clicking or tapping on the linked text: "This item is graded with a rubric" to open the rubric.
- Or you can choose to View assessment by clicking or tapping on the "View assessment" button then click or tap on the linked text "This item is graded with a rubric" to open the rubric.
- Another pop-up window on the right side of the screen will appear displaying the Maximum Score in points and each of the criteria with the percentage of the total grade.
The rubric window shows a maximum score of 60 points. This maximum score is the total number of points awarded for the assignment titled "Module 01 Written Assignment – ECE Interview." Next, each of the criteria is listed with the percentage of the total grade.
- For example, ECE Curriculum is worth 20% of the total grade. A student who received mastery for the criteria level of achievement would receive a total of 12 points.
This rubric contains five criteria for grading, which are:
- ECE Curriculum - 20% of total grade
- Curriculum Components - 25% of total grade
- Purpose of Curriculum - 25% of total grade
- DAP Curriculum - 25% of total grade
- Submission Requirements - 5 % of total grade
Open each of the criteria descriptions by clicking or tapping on the caret (V symbol) on the right side of each criterion. Once you have opened the criteria window, you will be able to view the descriptions for each level of achievement: Mastery, Proficiency, Competence, Emerging, and Not Submitted.
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