I need to make an infographic for my Exploring Healthcare Systems course. Help!


What is an infographic?

An infographic is a visual representation of information intended to make the information presented easier to understand and digested quickly.  It is a visual meant to clarify and explain information.  They can be developed from scratch if the creator has an artistic flair and the proper software, but are more often created utilizing infographic creation tools/sites.

Infographic tools can be found online by searching for “infographic creator”, "infographic tool", or “infographic software”.

Some popular infographic tools/sites include:

*Note: Infographic tools and sites all have different options, and therefore all function a bit differently. Nearly all infographic sites have their own "Help" or "Support" area; seek instruction and support directly from the site.

Venngage Support

Venngage offers a great support page to help you learn how to create and troubleshoot your way through creating an infographic: https://support.venngage.com/

**Please note: Venngage has its own help/support page if you should need assistance.  You can also search YouTube for how-to videos for Venngage.  Rasmussen University IT support will not be able to assist you**

Here is an example of an infographic from Rasmussen University

What should I keep in mind while creating an infographic?

Keep in mind what the goal is in the infographic.  Here are some examples of common infographics and best practices for each type of infographic:

Statistical infographics:  Put the focus on data.  Here are some best practices to keep in mind:​

  • Look for the story behind your data and reflect that in your design.

  • Vary the types of data visualizations you use–like charts, icons, and text.

  • Write a descriptive infographic title that contextualizes the data.

  • Emphasize key data by using a contrasting color or pairing the number with an icon.

Informational infographics:  Clearly communicates a new/specialized concept or provides an overview of a topic.  Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Give each section a descriptive header so the information is clear.

  • Number your sections to help the information flow.

  • Alternate between different colors, types of visuals and directions to keep readers engaged.

  • Illustrate concepts using icons and images.

Timeline infographics:  Visualizes the history of an event or timeframe.  Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use a central line to connect the different points in time.

  • Use a bold, contrasting font to highlight the year or name of each event.

  • Illustrate each point in time with a simple icon.

  • When necessary, provide a brief description for each point in time.

Process infographics:  Provides a summary or overview of the steps in a process.  Here are some best practices to keep in mind: 

  • Number each step in your process to make it easy to follow.

  • Use an S-shape layout to fit many steps into one page.

  • Use visual cues like arrows to indicate where the eye should look next.

  • Write your headers in a different font or colors from the other text to help them stand out.

Comparison infographics:  Offers an unbiased comparison of two options

  • Divide your infographic in half to show two options.

  • Divide your infographic into columns to show more than two options.

  • Set two options apart by using contrasting background colors.

  • Use a brighter color to highlight the option you want readers to pick.

How do I create an infographic?

There are many different options available to you to create infographics.  A quick Google search will help you locate these sites.

*Note: Infographic tools and sites all have different options, and therefore all function a bit differently. Nearly all infographic sites have their own "Help" or "Support" area; seek instruction and support directly from the site.

How do I cite my sources?

If you use outside sources of information in your infographic, be sure to cite them in APA style. APA does not provide guidelines for citing sources within infographics, so talk with your instructor about their preferences or expectations for citing sources. When in doubt, cite in-text, perhaps in smaller font, beside the information provided by the source. Also, provide a references section near the bottom of the infographic (see the Sources area in the example above). Your reference entries should follow standard APA reference guidelines. Some instructors may prefer a separate References page, so be sure to ask.

  • Last Updated Aug 26, 2024
  • Views 714
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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