How do I create a folder in Microsoft Word? How do I add documents to the folder?
Microsoft Word includes an option to create folders. Folders can be used to store documents created for a project or on a particular topic.
Once a document has been created, you can save it to a folder. Follow these steps to create a folder to store a document:
1. Save the document by clicking on "Save As" and name the document.
2. Click on "New Folder" located in the upper right corner.
3. A new folder will appear:
4. Click into the box, backspace to delete "New Folder" and type the new name for the folder.
5. Click the "Open" button on the lower right:
6. Click the "Save" button on the lower right.
7. Your document is now saved in your folder.
If you want to save another document to the folder you just created, follow the same steps outlined above, but instead of clicking on "New Folder" in step 2, scroll through the folders in the document list and click on the folder you want to save your document to. The folder will open, click "Save," and your document will be saved in that folder.
You can also drag and drop documents into folders already created. Open the list of all of your documents and simply click and drag a document to the desired folder.
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