Where can I find country reports and data?

I'm looking for information on the economy, industry, business, and culture for various countries.


Rasmussen University Library has a number of databases you can use to locate country information and reports. Recommended databases include:

  • Mergent Market Atlas: find country reports and profiles.
  • Business Source Complete: find country/territory reports, country risk reports, and country reviews.
  • AtoZ World Cultures: find holidays, religion, education, history, politics, national symbols, language, and additional country and cultural information  

Using Mergent Market Atlas
  1. Open Mergent Market Atlas
  2. To access country reports, click the Country tab near the top of the screen.
  3. Expand the Region-Country you are interested in.

Country reports in Market Atlas

  1. Select the country. If you'd like, you can limit the results by Time Period or Report Type.
  2. Press Search.
  3. A list of reports will open. Select the Document icon for the report that interests you to view it.

Note: The DnB Country Risk Profile document type will open into a County Insight Report that provides country and regional supply & market outlooks, short and long-term economic outlook & potential, the business regulatory environment, political/security risk, an overview of the economy, politics, and commercial culture.

Using Business Source Complete
  1. Open Business Source Complete
  2. Type the country name in the search box
  3. Select Country Report from the Publication Type box and press Search.

Type country name and select Country Report in Business Source Complete

  1. Your results will appear. Choose the report that interests you.

For additional country and cultural information try A to Z World Cultures.

  • Last Updated Nov 25, 2024
  • Views 513
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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