Blackboard Ultra: What are Course Tools and how can they help me navigate my course?


Ultra courses use Course Tools as the main navigation. These are the main navigational tools to switch between course areas. These tools are located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Use this to jump between the Content, Calendar, Participation, Grades, and Messages features. When you first enter an Ultra course, you will see the Content area of your course tools by default.

You will notice that some of the Course Tools have the same name as tools found in the base navigation: specifically, Calendar, Grades, and Messages are universal tools. Accessing one of these tools from the base navigation will give you access to the global view of it, showing you the tool's information for all courses that you are enrolled into. When you access these tools from the context of a course, you will see only information that relates to the specific course you are viewing. 

About Course Tools
  • Content: As you navigate into various course tools, you can return to the course content by clicking the Content icon, which is highlighted in the image above. 
  • Calendar: The Calendar icon in Course Tools will jump you to the course Calendar. The functionality of Calendar within the course is very similar to the one within the base navigation. The only exception is that from within the course, you can see only events specific to the course you are viewing. In order to view your other course calendars, you will need to access the course you wish to view or navigate to the global Calendar in the base navigation.
  • Participation: Participation is the central location for accessing and participating in all discussions that are located within a course. Each discussion is an area where users discuss a topic or a group of related topics. Teachers also have the ability to organize Discussions into folders. You can participate by navigating to Participation, navigating to the course activity, or responding from the Activity Stream. You can also add new Discussions from the Participation screen.
  • Course Grades: Here you can access posted grades, view the activities in the course, and review your submissions, grades, and feedback. Don't forget that grade information can also be viewed and updated through the base navigation from within Grades and Activity Stream.
  • Messages: The Messages feature can be accessed from with courses and from the base navigation. Use this feature to message your teacher as needed as well as classmates.
  • Last Updated Mar 03, 2021
  • Views 1068
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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