Where can I find articles on philosophers and their viewpoints?
A great starting point for finding articles on philosophers and their viewpoints would be the database ProQuest.
Underneath the ProQuest search screen, you will see two boxes that you will want to check: Full text and Peer-reviewed:
Search text box where search terms are entered to search the ProQuest database.
Once you have both boxes checked, you can begin searching for your philosopher. Some recommendations:
- Use quotation marks around your philosopher's name to help narrow your search:
- "Hannah Arendt"
- "John Locke"
- Use additional keywords to help narrow your search down further:
- "Hannah Arendt" AND holocaust
- "John Locke" AND govern
- Plato AND "human conflict"
Search text box with the database search statement entered.
When researching several different philosopher's viewpoints on a topic (human conflict, for example) you may not find one single article that discusses both philosophers. Your best bet will be to find articles dealing with individual philosopher's viewpoints and then draw your own conclusions. For example, find an article on John Locke's views on governing and then find another article on Plato's views on governing and then you can compare and contrast their viewpoints in your research paper.
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