What is a good way to write an ARGUMENT paragraph?

In an argument paragraph you must consider all of the reasons why someone might disagree with your position. Your argument will present those arguments along with your response or counter claim that acknowledges or sometimes refutes the counter arguments. Select one of the following points and present your best argument either for or against the issue.


Start by outlining your topic. What is the argument about? Gun control? Texting while driving? The use of citations within a paper?

Next outline each side of the argument - start with the side that you are NOT arguing. Why should people be allowed to carry a concealed weapon? Why should the use of cellphones by drivers be allowed?

Give examples of why each of these arguments is valid and explain.

Now you move on to your point of view. Outline your reasons: Why people should NOT be allowed to carry a concealed weapon. Why should texting while driving be illegal? Why should you cite your sources within a paper?

Now give examples and provide facts/statistics/reasons to back up your argument.

If you are having trouble finding information about your topic, we recommend using the Points of View Reference Source.


  • Last Updated Jul 16, 2024
  • Views 9064
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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