Should juveniles be tried as adults?
A good place to start when you have a pro/con topic is the:
The Points of View database presents information and supporting resources that support two different positions on a "hot button" issue. A typical "Points of View" treatment of an issue will include an overview of the topic, a point, a counterpoint, and a guide to critical analysis.
Points of View is organized into major categories, with topics/issues listed underneath. Expand the category by clicking on the "+more" to view all topics. Then click on the topic of interest to view.
Once a topic is selected, the "Points of View" resources will appear on the next page:
- Overview article
- Point (one position on the issue)
- Counterpoint (opposite position on the issue)
- Critical Analysis
A box on the left side of the page provides access to additional resources on the topic, including newspaper articles, journal articles, reports, and more.
You can then do more searching in the other databases. Some databases to try are:
Try typing the following keywords into the search box: "juveniles," "tried," "adults" This will result in many articles on this topic.
Consult the School of Justice Studies Guide for video demonstrations and other helpful information on effective database search techniques.
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