Where can I get help with my Persuasive Essay assignment for English Composition?


The purpose of a persuasive essay is to take a position on an issue and support the position with evidence.  The goal is to convince the reader that the position taken on the issue is the correct position.  The evidence used to support the position or argument should include articles and books written by authorities, statistics that support the position, and even government resources.


Persuasive essays are usually composed of three parts:

  • Introduction
    • An engaging introductory sentence (the hook)
    • A brief introduction to the topic
    • A thesis statement, a clear and concise statement of the position on the issue
  • Body
    • This is the main part of the essay where each point in the persuasive argument is presented and supported with evidence--ideally outside source material written by authorities in the discipline or topical area
    • Each paragraph should include a topic sentence introducing the point in the argument being discussed in the paragraph (be sure to limit discussion of one point per paragraph).
    • Include an analysis of how your evidence supports the point being made.
  • Conclusion
    • Provide a summary of the argument that is convincing and persuasive.

Consider consulting the following resources:

  • Last Updated Oct 06, 2020
  • Views 759
  • Answered By Suzanne Schriefer, Librarian

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