How is GPA calculated?


To figure out your GPA for a given quarter:

  • Take your letter grade and determine how many points it is worth.
  • Example: If you have an A then it's a 4.0, B is a 3.0, C is a 2.0. The chart for the conversion is in your Rasmussen Catalog, usually in the Academic Policies section towards the end. It should look like this:
  • 4.0 = A
    3.75 = A-
    3.50 = B+
    3.00 = B
    2.75 = B-
    2.50 = C+
    2.0 = C
    1.75 = C-
    1.50 = D+
    1.00 = D
    .75 = D-

  • Once you have your points figured out, you need to figure out what to multiply them by (aka the number of credits the course was worth).
  • Example: Let's say you have three classes:
    • The first class was worth 4 credits and you got an A
      • 4 credits x 4 points (for the A) = 16
    • The second class was worth 3 credits and you got a B
      • 3 credits x 3 points (for the B) = 9
    • The third class was worth 4 credits and you got an A
      • 4 credits x 4 points (for the A) = 16

  • Now figure out the average.
    • Add your calculated points up.
      • 16 + 9 + 16 = 41
    • Add your total number of credits up.
      • 4 + 3 + 4 = 11
    • Divide your total points by the number of credits attempted.
      • 41 / 11 = 3.72
    • You have your gpa for the quarter!
      • 3.72


Or you can view your GPA and unofficial transcripts in the Student Account Center. Click here for instructions on how to do that:

  • Last Updated Apr 13, 2016
  • Views 8872
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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