How do I cite / reference product information sheets in APA style? I'm referring to the little information sheets that often come in prescription or over-the-counter drug boxes.


First, remember that an APA reference is always composed of four elements:

  • Author:  Who created the work?  It can be an individual or a group author.
  • Date:  When was the work published?
  • Title:  What is the name of the work?
  • Source:  What information is needed to retrieve the work?

Elements within the reference entry:

Author. (Date). Title. Source.

In the case of a pharmaceutical insert or information sheet, the author would likely be the distributor or pharmaceutical company, which should be provided on the insert. If a date is given on the insert, provide the date next. If no date is available, input (n.d.). The title of the insert will be provided next; it will likely be situated at the top of the insert sheet. Lastly, the source/publication information is provided; often for these inserts the source is the pharmaceutical company.

Here is an example from a printed insert:

Shionogi Pharma. (2010). Ulesfia Lotion: Highlights of prescribing information. Author.

Here is an example from a website:

Shionogi Pharma. (2010). Ulesfia Lotion: Highlights of prescribing information.

In-text citation for both reference entries:

(Shionogi Pharma, 2010)

  • Last Updated Jun 22, 2020
  • Views 25605
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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