How do you cite INFO from an APP that has already been published in another source?
How do you cite info from an APP that has already been published in another source?
App Reference Pattern:
Original source entry info. App info.
- How?
- Original source reference pattern:
- Author. Date. Title.
- App information pattern:
- Title of App. (Version). [Mobile application software]. URL
- For details on how to find the app's information, see
- Original source reference pattern:
Note: How to do references for apps is still a developing art. Our samples are one way of doing references for content from an app.
Sample References for Content from Within an App for an iPhone:
Alvarez, J. (1997). Yo! 3M cloudLibrary (Version 1.41) [Mobile application software].
Deglin, J. H., Vellearand, A. H., & Sanoski, C. A. (2013). Pravastatin.
In Davis's drug guide for nurses (13th ed.). Skyscape Medical Resources
(Version 1.18.48) [Mobile application
National Center for Health Statistics. (2012). 682 other cellulitis and abscess.
In International classification of diseases ICD-9-CM. Skyscape Medical
Resources (Version 1.18.48). [Mobile application software].
Sample in-text citations that match the above references:
Alvarez (1997) use of color in Yo! seems to ...
Deglin, Vallerand, and Sinoski (2012) indicate that those patients using pravastatin should avoid grapefruit juice.
According to the National Center for Health Statistics (2012) the code for abcesses found on the face is 682.0.
You used a different app?:
- iPhone? Use
- Android? Use
- KindleFire? Use
- Nook? Use
Note: If you are citing:
- The app itself: Use
- Info created by and for the app: Use
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