Where is my 1098-T for taxes? When/how will I get it?
Current 1098-T
- Students can retrieve their 1098-T via the Student Portal.
- To retrieve, log into the Student Portal. Then click on Resources>Business Office>Retrieve Your 1098-T.
If a student is not eligible for a 1098-T, they will receive a message indicating that and why they may not be eligible. - The Filer's Federal Identification Number should already be populated in the form. If it is not, please contact your advisor for assistance.
- The 1098-T is typically made available for students in the by January 31st.
- If it is after February 1st, and you have not received your form, and it isn’t available on your Student Portal, please contact your advisor for assistance.
Students can view 1098-T Student Information by going to Resources>Business Office>1098-T Student Information in your Student Portal.
If you don't see the 1098-T Link, then your tax document is not yet ready.
Where do I find my Form 1098-T for previous years?
To request a copy of a 1098-T form that is not available electronically, you may submit a request by emailing 1098Trequest@Rasmussen.edu. Please include the following information in the email to reduce response time.
Legal name
Last four digits of your Social Security number
The tax year that you are requesting a 1098-T form for
The campus location where you last attended
The 1098-T form will be emailed to the email address from which the request is being made. Please allow two business days to receive your tax form.
You may also use the above process for this year's 1098-T if it is after February 1st and you have not received your 1098-T in the mail and you can’t access it in your Student Portal.
The following link has continually updated information on IRS Form 1098-T:
Updated 3/1/2018
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