How do I get my student email on my smart phone?


How do I get my student email on my smart phone?

Your student email account (Microsoft Office 365) has been configured for mobile access, so to get email from your smartphone, you just need to configure your phone's email settings.

Most email clients will allow users to type in an email address and then it will automatically configure the address. 

If this doesn’t work, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click “Options” at the top right of the screen near the user’s name
  3. Click “See All Options”
  4. Near the middle of the page, there should be a link that says “Settings for POP, IMPA, and SMTP access…” Click on it.
  5. After clicking the link above, the user should be presented with the settings for their specific account

Please note that these settings must be retrieved from Office 365.  Because of the way the service works, users may be shifted between pods and the settings from a different pod will not work.

Additional configuration information is available for Android, Apple (iOS), BlackBerry, Nokia (Symbian), Windows Phone, and Windows Mobile phones.

How-to information is available in two different ways:

If you encounter difficulties, Classroom IT Support (866-693-2211 or will be able to guide you through the process.

  • Last Updated Aug 26, 2024
  • Views 10375
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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