How do I find information about body language?
You can find information about body language in a variety of resources.
If you want basic overview information, check out Gale Virtual Reference or Credo Reference. Try searching for "body language" or "nonverbal communication". (Using the quotation marks around a phrase tells the database to search for those words together as a phrase.)
In addition, if there's a specific aspect of body language you're interested in researching, be sure to add that to your search process as well. For example, maybe you're interested in "body language in the workplace" or "body language for managers". In these cases, you would construct a search string for "body language" and workplace, or "body language" and managers.
If you want articles about body language or nonverbal communication, try one of the following databases:
If you want eBooks about body language or nonverbal communication, try one of the following databases:
Here are a few examples of ebooks on the topic (click on the cover to access and begin reading!):
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