What is a DOI?


DOI stands for "digital object identifier;" each DOI identifies and locates a piece of electronic information.

A DOI consists of a string of numbers and letters. They always begin with a 10. For example, the DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2008.00114.x is for an article about chocolate.

DOIs come into play when creating references for electronic information. Since DOIs are more permanent than URLs or web addresses, citation guides (like APA's) prefer them over URLs. If you use NoodleTools or APA Academic Writer to create your references, it will ask you for a DOI when appropriate. See our APA guide on creating references with DOIs: https://guides.rasmussen.edu/apa/articles

NOTE: Be sure to include https://doi.org/ in front of the DOI number when you create your reference entries.

You will normally find DOIs in database information about the article, on the first page of a journal article, or near the copyright notice for the item in question. If you cannot find the DOI on the item itself, you can check CrossRef to see if one exists. Below is an example of a DOI in a database information listing.

For more information about DOIs, review the Guidelines from the APA.

  • Last Updated Aug 13, 2021
  • Views 3388
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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