Where can I find information ABOUT the publisher of a book?


This question can be interpreted in a couple of different ways:

1. If you need to identify the publisher of your book, review the information on the title page or copyright page. These pages can typically be found just a few pages after the book/ebook cover.

2. If you are looking to find more information ABOUT the publisher of your book, there a couple of things you can do:

  • Search for the publisher in a database like Hoover's or Mergent Market Atlas. These databases will provide you with information about the publisher as a company: overview, history, financial information, competitors, executives, etc.
  • Search Google for the name of your publisher and have a look at their home page.
    • Is this a vanity press? Ask: if you were an author, would you end up paying a lot of money to have your book published? If so, you might have a vanity publisher and that means a not so good reputation.
    • What books has this publisher published? What kinds of reviews do the books get? (Hint: look up some of their book titles in Amazon). The more books with excellent, professional reviews (not customer reviews), the better the publisher is likely to be.
    • What sort of editorial or submissions policy does the publishing company have? Hint: pretend you are an author who wants to submit your book....what do you have to do?  Is there a peer-review policy (for academic presses)? The more care the company takes to select for and to produce quality materials, the better they are likely to be perceived in the industry.
  • Last Updated Jul 29, 2024
  • Views 33285
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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