I need to find information about a disease and the body system it impacts.

Whooping cough, yellow fever, plague, malaria, influenza, h1n1, polio, diptheria, cholera, lyme's disease, chicken pox, celiac, crohn's


Is this for the course Structure and Function of the Human Body? If so, see our guide just for that course assignment at http://guides.rasmussen.edu/healthsciences/structureandfunction

For resources related to disease research, see our Disease Research box in the School of Health Sciences guide.

To locate information on diseases:

To find information on body systems:

  • Our Credo and Gale Ebooks collections contain encyclopedias and dictionaries that cover the health sciences, physiology, and medicine. In them, you should be able to find good information about the system you are working with (musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, etc.).  Databases such as Consumer Health Complete will be helpful, too.  To see images of different systems, check out the Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase.  

  • Last Updated Aug 01, 2024
  • Views 4945
  • Answered By Kerry Louvier

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