What is a portfolio and why should a paralegal student create one?


What is a Portfolio?

A portfolio is a collection of items organized in a notebook, file, or a similar format. Whether you are applying for a job, internship, or to further your education, you may be asked to provide a portfolio including writing samples. The goal of a writing sample is to measure your ability to write professionally, clearly, and succinctly. The best way to demonstrate this ability is by providing samples in an area relevant to the position for which you're applying. You should include short explanations of the work in your portfolio.

What To Save

Your portfolio will reflect your very best work. To achieve that aim, you will need to revise your work from the comments by your professor, and from your own careful re-reading of your work. You also need to grammatically correct and proofread each sample. Make sure to save a corrected copy in a portfolio folder on your computer.


Different examples to include:

For more information, visit the Portfolio tab on the School of Justice Studies Guide.


  • Last Updated Dec 14, 2023
  • Views 1883
  • Answered By Jessica Koltz

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