I have to enter information into a Wiki for one of my assignments. I have never used a Wiki before. What is a Wiki? How do I enter information? Can I make changes?
A Wiki is a web-based resource that allows for collaborative editing. In other words, you, your classmates, and anyone who has access can add, edit, or remove information from the Wiki.
In EEC2500, the Wiki looks like a spreadsheet; each column includes a heading that describes the information entered in the cells in that column.
- To enter content, open the Wiki, click the Edit Wiki Content button in the upper right.
- Enter the information in each cell by either typing or copy & pasting content into the cell.
- Click Submit when finished.
- To edit content, click the Edit Wiki Content button in the upper right. Make the needed changes and click Submit in the lower left of the page when finished.
- To add additional rows to the Wiki, click the "add a row" icon in the ribbon at the top and a row will be added to the bottom of the spreadsheet. Enter your information and click Submit when finished adding content.
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