What is an action plan? How do I create one?
What is an action plan?
An action plan is a clearly defined plan that outlines what needs to be done, how it will be done, when it will be done, and by whom it will be done.
Why should I write an action plan?
An action plan provides a clear plan for how to address certain problem(s) and outlines specific steps to take to address the problem(s).
How do I write an action plan?
- Determine the problem(s) you would like to address. Do you issues with communication you would like to address? Do you need to find ways to increase staff responsiveness? Are you looking to decrease medication errors?
- Clearly outline your vision, mission, objectives, strategies, targets, and proposed changes. In short, what do you want to accomplish and why? What do you hope to accomplish by making these changes? What strategies can you use to accomplish your goals? Who do you hope to impact with these changes? What are the changes you would like to see?
- Outline SMART Goals. Your goals need to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. It is important to carefully plan goals otherwise you may not accomplish them.
- Identify the steps you need to take to reach your goals. You will need to list specific steps to take and when to achieve your goals. You are providing a roadmap to success for those involved in your action plan.
- What action will occur?
- When will this action occur?
- Who will complete the action?
- What resources are needed to accomplish the action?
- What communication is required for the action?
- Review your action plan. Is it complete? Is it clear? Is it current?
Do you have examples of action plans?
Health Sciences & Nursing
- Example of a Community Action Plan
- How to Create a Healthier Workplace Where You Can Thrive
- M Healthy Rewards
Early Childhood Education
Keller, S. (2018). Community action plan. Retreived from https://sswm.info/humanitarian-crises/rural-settings/planning-process-tools/decision-making-tools/community-action-plan
University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development. (n.d.). Section 5: Developing an action plan. Retrieved from https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/develop-action-plans/main
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