How do I create an in-text citation for a quotation taken from my textbook when no page numbers are listed?


According to APA rules, the in-text citation for quoted material includes the author, the year of publication, and the page where the quoted material is located in the source.

(Author last name, Year, p. #).

It is becoming more and more common for digital resources to not include page numbers.  When page numbers are not displayed, a paragraph number providing the location of the quoted material is provided.

(Author last name, Year, para. #).

This rule works well for articles or shorter resources, but can be challenging for books, textbooks and other complex text.  In order to assist the reader locate the quoted material in the textbook, use a section name (the chapter title may be a good choice) followed by the paragraph number when counting from the beginning of the chapter.  

(Author last name, Year, "Chapter Title," para. #).


Great care must be taken when using copyright protected material because "fair use continues to be an unsettled area of copyright law" (Bielefield, A., & Cheeseman, L., 2007, "Fair Use: The Basics," para. 7).

Remember, one purpose of an in-text citation is to help the reader find the source material easily and efficiently.  Providing a logical section in a longer work can aid that process.


  • Last Updated Jun 30, 2020
  • Views 350
  • Answered By Suzanne Schriefer, Librarian

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