How do I cite information from PolicyMap?
APA references are always put together with the same pieces of information, and in a certain order:
Author. Date. Title. Access Information.
However, much of the information found in PolicyMap may be difficult to cite because it falls into a gray area; for example, in PolicyMap, it can be difficult to determine an author, date of publication, and even the title of what you're looking at.
You can typically assume that PolicyMap is the author, unless another individual author or organization is provided. Note that a retrieval date may be necessary if you are using data that frequently refreshes.
PolicyMap Reference Format:
PolicyMap. (date or n.d. for no date). Title. or the permanent link URL
PolicyMap Reference Example:
PolicyMap. (n.d.). Estimated percent of workers who commuted to work by bicycle in 2013-2017.
In-Text Citation:
(PolicyMap, n.d.)
*Include the page or paragraph number if using a direct quote, for example (PolicyMap, n.d., para. 2).
If you are citing multiple pages/reports/maps from PolicyMap with the same date (or lack of date), you can differentiate between them in-text by following these instructions.
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