How do I cite a position paper, such as the NAEYC position paper on DAP?


The format for any APA reference is:

Author. (Date). Title. Access information.

The first step is to have the document either in hand or displayed so that you can easily locate the information needed for each segment of the reference.

Author (Who wrote it?):  NAEYC

Date (When it was published): 2009

Title (What is it named?): Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8 [Position Statement]

Access  (Where can I access it?) Located online at

So, putting this all together, the APA reference would look like this:


  • Last Updated Jun 30, 2020
  • Views 62132
  • Answered By Suzanne Schriefer, Librarian

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