What is vocabulary and how can I improve it?


Vocabulary--Vocabulary are the words or terms of language. In order to make sense of the text being read, one must understand individual words within the text. This applies when one is learning the language of a certain career field (like nursing, for example).  It also applies when learning another language, like English.  

How to build your vocabulary:

  • When you see words in your text that are bolded or italicized, make sure you know what they mean (their definition).  If you don't know it, then do the things below:
    • Look the word up in the glossary ('the dictionary' at the end of the text).
    • Look the word up in a dictionary like this one http://www.dictionary.com/ 
    • Read the sentence(s) around the word (the context) to build meaning.
  • Keep a list of the terms (i.e. the vocabulary) for each course. Look at the list and use the terms while completing discussions and other assignments.

Make flashcards & practice looking at the word and then saying its definition regularly (every day is best).

  • Click here to make your own flashcards.

The better your vocabulary is, the easier reading, writing, and speaking will be.  

  • Last Updated Mar 29, 2018
  • Views 1433
  • Answered By Tammy Hopps

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