How do I create a brochure, handout, poster, pamphlet, flyer or other marketing materials using Microsoft Word, Publisher, and/or PowerPoint?


If you're new to using Microsoft Office (Word, Publisher, PowerPoint) for creating promotional or advertising materials, we recommend starting with the following steps:

1. After opening Microsoft Word, Publisher, or PowerPoint click on File.

2. In the New area, either search for "brochure", "poster", etc. (whatever type of document you are developing) or click on Business.

3. In the Category area on the right side of the screen, select Marketing.

4. Choose from the available templates.

5. Once you've selected the template you wish to work with, you can begin "trading out" the sample information in the template for the information specific to your product. You can remove or replace nearly every element in the template. For images, right click on the object and choose change picture. For text, left click in the text box where you want your cursor to appear; you can then delete text and rewrite/edit/add text. You can also change items like font, colors, and resize boxes, images, and text.

6. Be sure to save your work as you move along!

7. For more information about creating brochures in Microsoft Word, Publisher, or PowerPoint visit the following pages on the Microsoft Support site:

  • Last Updated Sep 30, 2021
  • Views 50443
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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