How do I make a payment for a credit by examination/test-out?
Rasmussen University offers the ease and convenience of using our secure single sign-on site (CashNet) to make tuition and fee payments via the Student Portal at:
Before Making a Payment:
Before you can make a payment for a credit by examination, you will need to acknowledge the alert found in the Student Portal > Account Center > Message Center. Detailed instructions are available in a related FAQ:
Where to Make a Payment:
To make a payment, you will use the “Pay Online” icon located within the student portal. If you are unable to pay online please reach out to your Program Manager (new students) or your Advisor (current students).
How to Make a Payment:
After accessing the Pay Online section of the Student portal, select "Make a Payment" from the menu on the left. Then select from the list of available items to make a payment. Complete all required fields and confirm all information prior to clicking the "Pay $" button to process the payment.
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