What types of information can I find in the ASP: Human Resource Management Online database, and why would I want to use it?
ASP: Human Resource Management Online is an educational database that brings together for the first time online a mix of the top applied content for HR academic programs. Curated by business experts, it carefully aligns with the syllabi of today’s human resource courses. Collectively, it includes a mix of more than 4,000 expert-selected primary source documents, including corporate training videos, instructional films, case studies, text book chapters, research reports, sample business documents, and self-assessments.
Getting to ASP: Human Resource Management Online:
Direct access to ASP: Human Resource Management Online: http://guides.rasmussen.edu/asp-hrmanagement
ASP: Human Resource Management Online can also be accessed through the Resources link in all online courses. Then, click on Search E-Resources, scroll through the alphabetical list of databases, and select ASP: Human Resource Management Online.
Included materials are from the best-known names in human resource management and business education, including the Society of Human Resource Management, The Kellogg School of Management, and Seven Dimensions, and much of the content has never before been available to those without a society membership. Materials are among the newest available, with the majority published 2009 or later, ensuring users have access to the documents that best support today’s rapidly changing human resource environment. Focal areas include:
Compensation & benefits | Employee rights & relations |
Equal opportunity | Ethical, legal, & social considerations |
Global human resource management | Health, safety, & security |
Job analysis & design | Organizational planning & strategy |
Organizational review | Performance management |
Recruitment, selection, & placement | Separation & retention |
Training & development | Unions & collective bargaining |
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