How can I search for articles in only nursing journals?


CINAHL Complete is a great place to start, as it has the EBSCO search screen that many students are familiar with.  The database does contain both nursing and allied health journals, so to limit your search to just those nursing journals.

On the CINAHL Complete home page, with the search box, scroll down to find the limiters. You can select the “Nursing” line in the Journal Subset box on the search home page.  You still need to look at the title of the journal and verify it is nursing.  You can also type the word "nursing" or "nurses" into the Publication box to get results only published in journals with that word in it.

You can also use this screen to enter in the publication date range and select the Scholarly journals box.

Select nursing in the Journal Subset section

Start your search with broad key terms and take a few minutes to browse the results.  Find what words the database is using to describe your topic (this can vary database to database). Hopefully you will see a keyword that hits on your topic and you can add that to the search box and run your search again.  Keep doing this process until you find at least one article that fits your topic.

  • Last Updated Jul 05, 2023
  • Views 8182
  • Answered By Ashley Librarian

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