Where can I find information on Tootsie Roll Industries?

I need information on Tootsie Roll - like their annual report.


You can find information about Tootsie Roll Industries on their website: http://www.tootsie.com/ (look at the Company tab) and within the Mergent Market Atlas database.

1. Open the Mergent Market Atlas database.

2. Type Tootsie Roll into the Search bar.

3. Select the appropriate Tootsie Roll Industries Inc. company profile.

4. You will be brought to the Company Overview page. Use the secondary (teal) tabs to navigate.

5. The Annual Report will be found in the Reports tab > Annual Reports.

Process for selecting Annual Reports in Market Atlas

6. As your assignment instructions state, select the most recent Annual Report from the list of options.

7. The Annual Report will open.

8. The Annual Report contains a great deal of the individual documents/sections you will need to complete your assignment. Navigate through the document carefully to find each section your assignment requires. *Hint! Search the document using the "Ctrl-F" function!*

Note: In addition to the Annual Report, be sure to navigate through additional information about Tootsie Roll Industries using the tabs near the top of the screen!

Check out the links below for more information (including video tutorials) about searching within Mergent Market Atlas.

  • Last Updated Nov 25, 2024
  • Views 1082
  • Answered By Kate Anderson, Librarian

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